Importance Of Measuring True RMS

Electricity is an exact science. One miscalculation may lead to a catastrophe. Thus, it is important to measure it all regularly and accurately. We need the accurate measurement of the current to indicate the amount of the load and the condition of the load. Let’s learn about True RMS and how is it beneficial to us.
Dangers of miscalculating or not measuring True RMS
True RMS is the average of the set of values in which we measure alternating current. True RMS is helpful in giving us an idea of the capacity of the appliances when we plug them in. It is important to note the voltage needed by an appliance to work and the current capacity of the outlet. They must fit each other to avoid problems. Measuring the True RMS will also allow us to maintain our electricity sources.
Overheating of devices.
Overheating is caused by going beyond the capacity that a device can hold. Most of the time, overloaded circuits cause this. You might smell something burning, or see smoke, or worst case – fire.
Here are tips to avoid overheating.
A.1. Do not use too many power strips.
A.2. Check your wiring.
A.3. Check your appliances too.
A.4. Find the source of your problem.
Malfunction of devices.
When the device does not receive the True RMS value it needs to function, it won’t work. For example, suppose a refrigerator needs 220 V of electricity. And you plug it in a source whose RMS is only 110 V. It does not contain enough current to power keep the refrigerator going.
How do you avoid these dangers?
Accidents do happen, yes. But you can act before it happens! Here is a list of safety precautions you must do to avoid the dangers mentioned above.
- Have your devices checked regularly. It is important to maintain your devices to monitor their conditions. Early problem detection is the key to avoiding further damage. Addressing the problem right away will help you find a solution right away.
- Stick to the calculated True RMS of the devices. Do not attempt to go beyond or under the True RMS measurement of your device. Sticking to the True RMS value will ensure that your device will work properly and will last you a long time.
- Do not overuse your devices. Everything gets worn out if it is used continuously without any break. Let your devices rest too.
- Do not use worn-out cords. Worn-out cords can expose the live wire which can be extremely dangerous to come in contact with. Either you get electrocuted, or you set fire.
- Do not leave your devices plugged in when not in use. These devices must rest too. When they are not used, the plug can still release a certain amount of heat. And it might cause the device to overheat.
What Fluke devices to use to measure True RMS?
Ever wondered which tools will help you measure the True RMS? Here is a list of Fluke Tools for you! Known for its accuracy and reliability, Fluke Tools ensure the safety of your place. Here are some of the Fluke tools that will help you with your RMS concern.
1. Fluke 179 Digital Multimeter
This digital multimeter has manual and automatic ranging. It can measure 1000 volts of AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current). This robust, fast and accurate multimeter has a backlit digital display with an analog bar graph and built-in temperature measurements and thermocouple!

Fluke 179. Photo from
2. Fluke 117 Electrician’s Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage
This compact True RMS digital multimeter is made for electricians. Its non-contact feature keeps you safe when detecting True RMS. Designed to be carried anywhere from commercial buildings to hospitals and even schools! This compact multimeter provides measurements for resistance, continuity, frequency, and capacitance.

3. Fluke 120B Series Industrial Scope Meter handheld Oscilloscopes
This oscilloscope and multimeter have connect and view trigger for hands-off operation. This device simplifies testing but gives you more information about your device.

Get your Fluke tools through an authentic source!
Hey, you made it to the bottom! Are you currently looking for the best-performing test tools in the market to run daily maintenance checks on your machines? You are in luck cause Presidium PH is an authorized distributor of Fluke test tools in the Philippines. Prevent these faults from penetrating your machine by using the best test tools there are!
If you want to know more about Fluke tools and their functions, visit our website for more info! This is a one-stop shop for the best test tools within Metro Manila.