How To Deal with Faulty Electrical Circuits?

Electrical circuits are the main foundation for transmitting electric currents. To give you a brief background, an electrical circuit is a device that gives energy to charged particles constituting the current. These are one of the main parts of every device, generators, lamps, electric motors, computers, etc. Think of it this way, without electrical circuits, your electrical devices will never power up. That’s why it’s also essential to always protect them and care for them.
How do we protect electrical circuits?
A car cannot run without its batteries, and motors cannot work without their electrical circuits. So, like any vital part of electric equipment, they also need extra care, but the question is, how do we do that? There are a number of things that we can consider to protect our electrical circuits. Here are some of them according to Elprocus.
- Fuse
- Circuit Breaker
- PolySwitch
- Metal Oxide Varistor
- Inrush Current Limiter
- Gas Discharge Tube
- Spark Gap
- Lightning Arrester
These are some of the things that can protect your electrical circuits to ensure that there are no faults plaguing their systems.
What happens if you have defective electrical circuits?
When this happens, you’ll know a hundred percent as your device or any electrical device for that matter, will not function. As we’ve mentioned above, the main purpose of electrical circuits is to distribute power to your motors. If they are somehow damaged, then expect possible downtimes. Worst case scenario? Faulty electrical circuits may also be dangerous to people nearby.
Defective electrical circuits are prone to damaging insulation, conductors, and equipment, and they are also prone to overheating. In such cases that faulty electrical circuits are not dealt with immediately, they can also cause fires, explosions, arc flashes, and arc blasts. These are one of the most dangerous scenarios that personnel can ever encounter.
Staying safe with the use of Fluke tools.
You can never see faults coming with the use of your naked eyes for the simple reason that it’s impossible! Luckily, Fluke tools can make the impossible, possible with their state-of-the-art maintenance tools. If you want to prevent these faults from happening, you might want to consider using the best-performing Fluke tools.
The Fluke Power Quality Analyzers can do wonders in detecting faulty electronic wiring that might harm your devices in the long run. And yes, it can also be an efficient tool in determining faulty electrical circuits. These tools can…
- Calculate mechanical power and efficiency without mechanical sensors.
- Measure electrical power parameters such as voltage, current, power, apparent power, power factor, harmonic distortion, and unbalance.
- Identify power quality issues such as dips, swells, transients, harmonics, and unbalance.
- Includes full power quality and electrical energy analyzer functionality
- Highest safety rating in the industry; 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
This is just a jist of the wonders that a Fluke Power Quality Analyzer possesses. But, the best way to deal with faulty electric circuits is to identify them early on rather than waiting for some malfunction to happen to your machines. Remember, prevention is better than cure (especially when you’re dealing with expensive electronic devices!).
Get your Fluke tools through an authentic source!
Hey, you made it to the bottom! Are you currently looking for the best-performing test tools in the market to run daily maintenance checks on your machines? You’re in luck cause Presidium PH is an authorized distributor of Fluke test tools in the Philippines. Prevent these faults from penetrating your machine by using the best test tools there are!
If you want to know more about Fluke tools and their functions, visit our website for more info! This is a one-stop shop for the best test tools within Metro Manila.